The practice of sound healing is gaining popularity as a successful technique for harmonizing the mind, body, and soul. Among the many beneficial tools used in sound healing, solfeggio frequencies are considered particularly powerful with their ability to resonate divinely with our Chakra frequencies.
Solfeggio frequencies are unique tones that have a positive impact on your brainwaves, induce relaxation, and alleviate stress. It is also thought that they can aid in balancing the chakras or energy centers of the body.
If you are seeking to enhance your overall state of being, cleaning or balancing your chakras solfeggio frequencies could potentially be a helpful tool.
Consistently listening to solfeggio frequency music may allow you to determine if they have a positive impact on you.
Table of Contents
An Introduction to Solfeggio Frequencies and Chakras

The frequencies of the ancient solfeggio were believed to have been lost for a long time. However, in recent times, they have been unearthed and are currently being utilized all over the globe to facilitate healing and achieve harmony.
The solfeggio frequencies were utilized in medieval music as a unique collection of six tones. It is thought that these frequencies have a profound impact on both the mind and body. Playing these frequencies can induce beneficial alterations in brainwave patterns, induce a state of relaxation, and alleviate stress, these ancient frequencies have been used in old Shamanic rituals also.
The chakras, also known as energy centers, play a crucial role in maintaining our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
There are a total of seven main chakras, each linked with a unique color, specific roles, and specific chakra frequency. Maintaining a state of equilibrium among these chakras results in feelings of wellness, contentment, harmony, and peace. However, when they become unbalanced, we may encounter issues related to our physical or emotional well-being.
The Relationship Between Solfeggio Frequencies and Chakras
According to research, the utilization of solfeggio frequencies can aid in the restoration of the chakras and facilitate the process of healing. Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of these frequencies in reducing stress, inducing relaxation, and providing various health advantages.
According to a research, the utilization of solfeggio frequencies can aid in decreasing both blood pressure and heart rate, as stated in a study published in PubMed. Furthermore, another study in Frontiers in Psychiatry revealed that solfeggio frequencies can also assist in alleviating pain.
The Interaction Between Solfeggio Frequencies and Chakras
The chakra system is linked to various solfeggio frequencies, each with its unique association. In the following sections, we will explore these frequencies and their impact on the chakras.
The Root Chakra: frequency of 396 Hz
The root chakra, known as Muladhara in Sanskrit, can be found at the lower end of the spine. It is linked to feelings of being rooted, protected, and stable.
This chakra is also in charge of our innate survival instinct. The color red often symbolizes the root chakra, as it represents the vital nature of blood in sustaining life.
The 396 Hz solfeggio frequency is known for its ability to activate the Root Chakra, instilling a sense of safety and protection. This particular chakra frequency help alleviate feelings of anxiety and fear. By working with the lowest solfeggio frequencies, such as 396 Hz and 285 Hz, we can find stability and grounding.
The presence of this solfeggio frequency in music enables us to establish a connection with our innate state of being at ease and protected.
The Sacral Chakra: frequency of 417 Hz.
The sacral chakra, known as Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, can be found right below the navel. This chakra color is orange and is connected to creativity, intimacy, pleasure, and sexuality.
The solfeggio frequencies have been linked to various benefits, such as creative visualization. Specifically, the frequency of 417 Hz is believed to aid in this aspect. It is also enhance sexual energy and pleasure. A balanced sacral chakra is associated with feelings of confidence and creativity, allowing for a fulfilling experience of both our sexuality and our overall lives.
By utilizing this Sacral Chakra Frequency, we have the ability to tap into our inner creativity and begin to manifest our wants and needs.
This specific frequency can assist us in release and letting go of outdated behaviors that are no longer beneficial to us.
The Solar Plexus Chakra: frequency of 528 Hz.
The Manipura in Sanskrit, also known as the solar plexus chakra, can be found just above the navel.
This chakra, symbolized by the color yellow, is associated with our strength, will power, and resolve. It is also the chakra that represents our sense of the small self ‘Ego’
The 528 Hz frequency, which is known as the Miracle frequency, has a stimulating effect on the solar plexus chakra. This particular tone is commonly associated with enhancing personal power and confidence, and is also aid in decision-making and manifestation.
The 528Hz resonant magically with The Heart Chakra, and it’s huge benefits expand to heal and change our DNA.
The chakra frequency aids in reconnecting us with our inner selves. Furthermore, it can assist in making decisions with a strong and clear mindset.
The Heart Chakra: frequency of 639 Hz.
The Heart Chakra is commonly linked to love, but there is more to it than just that. This is why it is depicted as the color green instead of red.
The Sanskrit term for the heart chakra is Anahata, is situated in the middle of the chest. This specific chakra is linked to our capacity to express true love for ourselves and others, as well as being the center of compassion, forgiveness, and empathy.
The frequency of 639 Hz in solfeggio chart has the ability to aid in the healing of past traumas and foster loving and empathetic relationships. Additionally, it is thought to facilitate a connection with one’s inner self, and it’s surrounding.
Listening to music at a frequency of 639 Hz has the potential to assist in the healing process of past traumas and also allows for the expansion of our capacity to both give and receive love.
The Throat Chakra: frequency 741 Hz
The Throat Chakra is commonly referred to as the communication chakra for a specific purpose. Known as Visuddha in Sanskrit, this chakra plays a vital role in our capacity to express our wants and wishes. It is also associated with self-expression and ingenuity. The color associated with this chakra is blue, as it is often linked with communication and understanding, and it’s in this chakra where we find our Karmic past life actions and resistance.
The 741 Hz solfeggio frequency has been found to activate The Throat Chakra, aiding in the connection to our inner selves and allowing us to communicate our true thoughts and feelings. This frequency is also believed to enhance imaginative thinking and the ability to bring desires into reality.
Listening to music at a frequency of 741 Hz can allow us to tap into our greater purpose and enable us to express ourselves more genuinely and innovatively.
The Third Eye Chakra: frequency 852 Hz
Located in the center of the forehead, this energy center goes by many names such as the third eye, the pineal gland, or the Ajna chakra. Its function is tied to our capacity for clear vision, both in a physical and intuitive sense.
The indigo-colored chakra of the third eye is associated with the solfeggio frequency of 852 Hz. By listening to music at this frequency, we can enhance our intuition and gain a clearer perspective. This chakra is also believed to aid in meditation and promote relaxation.
People who are in tune with this particular frequency are able to access their psychic powers and perceive things that go beyond the tangible realm. The activation of intuition also enables us to recognize the interrelatedness of everything.
The Crown Chakra: frequency 963 Hz
The representation of the crown signifies the attainment of knowledge and wisdom, and the crown chakra, known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, is connected to our ultimate level of awareness.
It is believed to serve as the entry point to our spiritual essence. The hues commonly linked with the crown chakra are violet and white, as violet symbolizes spirituality and white represents purity.
The 963 Hz frequency of solfeggio is known to activate the crown chakra. It is believed to facilitate a deeper connection with the Divine and our innermost beings while inducing a sense of tranquility and ecstasy.
Listening to chakra frequency 963 Hz can allow us to tap into our spiritual essence and feel a sense of unity with the Universe and its divine design. This particular frequency can also aid in releasing our ego and connecting with our greater purpose.
Achieving Balance and Alignment of All Chakras
According to beliefs, if one’s chakras are in equilibrium, one can operate at their optimal capacity, experiencing contentment, well-being, and a sense of completeness.
There are various methods for achieving chakra balance, such as meditation, utilizing crystals or essential oils. Another approach is through sound therapy, specifically with the solfeggio frequencies.
The utilization of solfeggio frequencies as a backdrop for either music or guided meditation can effectively aid in the alignment and equilibrium of the chakras. Every frequency is linked to a specific chakra and possesses its own distinct vibrational quality.

The utilization of the solfeggio frequencies can assist in:
Unblocking and Purifying the Chakras
The world around us constantly exposes our bodies and energy to subconscious negative beliefs and energy. This negative influence can interfere with our chakras, causing them to become blocked or distorted and disrupt their proper functioning.
The utilization of solfeggio frequencies has the potential to eliminate blockages and unblock the chakras, enabling them to rotate smoothly and consistently. This can effectively bring back divine harmony, equilibrium and serenity to our physical and energetic states.
Harmonize Your Chakras
After opening and clearing the chakras, the solfeggio frequencies can assist in achieving balance. This implies that each chakra will rotate at its individual and ideal frequency.
When our chakras are in a state of balance, we can operate at our optimal capacity, experiencing feelings of joy, wellness, and wholeness.
Achieving Balance in the Chakras
The use of solfeggio frequencies can also promote chakra balance, leading to all chakras spinning at a unified frequency.
Having balanced chakras allows us to have a stronger connection with our inner selves and tap into our intuition and higher knowledge. It also enhances our sense of connection with the external world.
Balancing the Chakras
In case any of the chakras are obstructed or imbalanced, the solfeggio frequencies have the ability to address and fix the issue.
One way to address a blocked root chakra is by utilizing the 396 Hz solfeggio frequency. This particular frequency has the potential to unblock and restore balance to the root chakra. In addition, it may aid in the healing of any past trauma or injuries that may be stored within the root chakra.
Additionally, there are other frequencies for healing such as 417 Hz and 528 Hz that can be advantageous for the chakras. These specific frequencies have the ability to release any harmful emotions and past traumas. Furthermore, they can contribute to the healing process of both physical injuries and ailments.
There are numerous online resources accessible for those interested in utilizing sound therapy to harmonize their chakras. If you are interested check out this Free 9 Week Healing program done by Cosmic Way Meditation here.
As your mood and well-being improve, you will have more resilience to face daily challenges.
Suggestions for Utilizing Solfeggio Frequencies in order to Harmonize Your Chakras
In order to assist you with beginning, provided below are a few suggestions for utilizing sound therapy in order to achieve equilibrium in your chakras:
- Go to Your Sacred Place: a peaceful location where you can unwind and meditate.
- Initially, your thoughts may wander, but simply redirect your focus to the sounds.
- Let yourself experience the vibrations of the frequencies in your physical being.
- Concentrate on each chakra individually, visualizing the energy being harmonized and cleansed.
- Take slow breaths and fully embrace the moment
To begin, one can concentrate on the Root Chakra and play the solfeggio frequency of 396 Hz. While listening, envision the frequency’s energy purifying and harmonizing the Root Chakra. Allow the sound vibrations to resonate through your body and take deep breaths. With each exhale, visualize the Root Chakra becoming balanced and in sync. Focus on the color red and feel the chakra’s energy grounding and stabilizing you.
Once you have completed your work on the Root Chakra, proceed to the Sacral Chakra. Play the solfeggio frequency of 417 Hz and envision its energy purifying and harmonizing the Sacral Chakra. Allow the sound vibrations to resonate within your body and take in deep breaths. With each exhale, visualize the Sacral Chakra becoming balanced and in sync. Focus on the vibrant orange hue and experience the creative and expressive energy of the chakra.
By following this method, you can achieve balance for every chakra, completing all seven. As you work on balancing each chakra, you may experience a feeling of tranquility and serenity. In addition, you may also observe a rise in energy levels and enhanced sleep quality and focus.
Additionally, there are individuals who prefer to utilize crystal singing bowls, gongs and tuning forks for the purpose of chakra balancing. These instruments can be highly beneficial in promoting the cleansing and harmonizing of the chakras.
The Combination of Binaural Beats and Solfeggio Frequencies
Binaural beats are a type of sound created by playing two frequencies simultaneously, which can be accessed by using headphones. This technique involves each ear receiving a distinct tone, with one in the left ear and the other in the right. The use of binaural beats has been known to induce a meditative state and promote feelings of calm and tranquility.
The process of balancing one’s chakras is a unique and individual experience, and there is not a single definitive method for doing so. It is beneficial to explore various techniques and incorporate solfeggio music in order to discover the most effective approach for yourself.
Utilizing Solfeggio Frequencies for Meditation Music

A plethora of meditation music tracks incorporating solfeggio frequencies can be easily accessed through online sources, either by creating personalized playlists or streaming on platforms like Spotify.
Many individuals discover that incorporating solfeggio frequencies into their meditation and healing music aids in achieving a state of relaxation and concentration. One can still reap the advantages of these frequencies, even without being consciously aware of them.
A Brief Summary
For a quick recap of solfeggio frequencies and chakras, this summary will assist in refreshing your memory.
The body contains seven energy centers called chakras. When these chakras are blocked or imbalanced, it can result in both physical and emotional issues.
Various methods can be utilized for employing sound therapy to achieve chakra equilibrium. One can choose to concentrate on a single chakra or opt for listening to two frequencies simultaneously to generate binaural beats. Some individuals incorporate visual aids, such as colors or pictures, to facilitate chakra balancing. Additionally, musical instruments, such as singing bowls, can also serve as a means to achieve this balance.
What Are the 7 Healing Frequencies?
The 7 healing frequencies, known as Solfeggio frequencies, include:
- 396 Hz – Liberates guilt and fear.
- 417 Hz – Facilitates change and undoing situations.
- 528 Hz – Known as the “Miracle” frequency for transformation and DNA repair.
- 639 Hz – Enhances communication and relationships.
- 741 Hz – Awakens intuition and aids in problem-solving.
- 852 Hz – Elevates spirituality and returns you to spiritual order.
- 963 Hz – Connects with the divine and higher realms.
How Do Solfeggio Frequencies Impact the Chakras?
Solfeggio frequencies resonate with each of the seven chakras, promoting balance and healing. For instance:
- 396 Hz aligns with the Root Chakra, grounding and stabilizing energy.
- 417 Hz harmonizes with the Sacral Chakra, enhancing creativity and emotional balance.
- 528 Hz targets the Solar Plexus Chakra, boosting self-confidence and personal power.
- 639 Hz resonates with the Heart Chakra, fostering love and compassion.
- 741 Hz connects with the Throat Chakra, improving communication and expression.
- 852 Hz aligns with the Third Eye Chakra, enhancing intuition and insight.
- 963 Hz corresponds with the Crown Chakra, fostering spiritual connection and enlightenment.
How Do Solfeggio Frequencies Contribute to the Alignment of Spiritual Energy Centers?
Solfeggio frequencies contribute to the alignment of spiritual energy centers by:
- Vibrational Healing: Each frequency corresponds to a chakra, clearing blockages and promoting energy flow.
- Emotional Balance: They help release negative emotions, allowing for emotional clarity and peace.
- Spiritual Connection: Higher frequencies like 852 Hz and 963 Hz enhance spiritual awareness, connecting you to higher consciousness.
- Holistic Wellness: Regular meditation with these frequencies supports overall mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Which chakra is targeted by the frequency of 174 Hz?
The frequency of 174 Hz is associated with the Aura chakra. This aura chakra envelopes all our chakras like a field of energy. The frequency of 174 Hz is believed to help cleanse this field from negativity that still got stuck to this field.