There is a discussion among supporters of the traditional frequencies, with the consensus that the current standard of 440 Hz should be substituted, and we already covered why in the last article “432Hz Benefits, Science And theory” However, there is disagreement regarding the specific frequency that should take its place – 432 Hz or 528 Hz.
Advocates of both sides argue for the superiority of their respective frequencies, making it difficult to determine which viewpoint to align with. This is further complicated by the fact that both tones have been supported by historical, scientific, and anecdotal proof. When faced with the decision of which note to select, one may wonder which note is the best option. To make an informed decision, it is important to understand the distinctions between 432 Hz vs 528 Hz and determine which one is preferable
Table of Contents
528 Hz vs 432 Hz At Glance
If you are currently exploring the magical effects of sound and vibration in Sound Wave Alchemy, it is likely that you are already aware of the background and advantages attributed to 432 Hz and 528 Hz.
If you are not familiar, let’s take a brief look at these frequencies: their applications and advantages.
The 432 Hz Benefits:
- Promote a Calming Effect in humans and environments.
- Blood Pressure Reduction.
- Heart Rate Reduction to a more Calming and Healthy state.
- Synchronize The Two Hemispheres of The Brain.
- Increase Creativity and Focus.
- Used to Tune Old Greek, Egyptian, Native American, and Hindu Instruments.
- Used to Tune Original Stradivarius violins.
- Know By “432hz The Scientific Tuning” in the scientific field.
- Used by Famous Composers “Verdi, Mozart, Prince, Jimi Hendrix…”
The 528 Hz Benefits:
- This frequency is one of the six original Solfeggio frequencies.
- The center frequency in the Solfeggio Frequencies chart.
- It is commonly referred to as the “Love Frequency” and the “miracle tone” due to its positive effects on overall well-being, and its centering proprieties.
- Cell biologist Dr. Glen Rein proved that this frequency has been found to enhance the absorption of UV light in DNA.
- The Color of the Grass, Oxygen, Rainbows, Sunlight, and even the buzzing of the bees resonate with 528Hz.
- Resonates with The Solar Plexus Chakra and magically effecting The Heart Chakra.
- Reflects the Geometry of the Carbon Six Hexagonal ring.
- John Lennon Used 528hz Tuning for his Song Imagine.
- Reduces Stress & Enhance Deep Sleep.
- Used to Clean the Ocean in this experiment, done in the wake of the BP Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico
We already cover all the science, benefits, and how to use this powerful 528Hz in your day: “Experience The Miracle Tone: 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency”
Both 432 Hz and 528 Hz have a strong connection to nature, scientific studies, and healing benefits.
Back in 1978, Hans Cousto, a mathematician and musicologist from Switzerland, uncovered the correlations between music, the universe, and the natural world. In his famous book “The Cosmic Octave: Origin of Harmony” (Available in Amazon) he compared the frequencies of planetary movements, architectural structures, traditional and modern measuring systems, the human body, music, and healing practices.
The Distinction Between 432 Hz and 528 Hz
Dr. Leonard Horowitz is considered by many as the foremost advocate for the popularization of 528 Hz and the Solfeggio frequencies in contemporary society.
What is his stance on the distinctions between 432 Hz and 528 Hz?
According to Dr. Horowitz, both frequencies align with sacred geometry and the natural world.
"In my view, there is no inherent contradiction between the vibrations of 528Hz and 432Hz. Victor Showell's thorough mathematical examinations have shown that both 528 and 432 are sacred geometric measurements that align harmoniously with the majority of natural frequencies found in the construction of the universe".
Nevertheless, he continues to state that 432 has now transformed into the opposite of 528, the dark to its light.
The number 528 is heavily associated with concepts of love, peace, and freedom, while 432 has been chosen by those promoting fear, war, and spiritual bondage to counter the ‘528LOVERevolution.’
According to him, the initial supporters of 432 Hz are not only accused of being deceitful and malicious but also potentially controlled by opposing forces.
"The individuals who initiated the '432 Hz Revolution', namely Jamie Buturff and Tyler Thurmon, have been accused of promoting 432 Hz in an unethical manner by using consumer deception and spreading false information about 528 and the '528LOVERevolution'. As a result, they have sparked a negative campaign without any valid justification, raising suspicions of them possibly betraying the public and the 'Free World'".
The statements made by Dr. Horowitz are quite assertive and seem to stem from a personal issue with other supporters of sound therapy rather than focusing on the advantages of the frequencies.
While there may be disparities between the two, the concept of “good and evil” does not play a role in this equation, maybe they were promoting 440hz under the mask of 432hz to back up their claim, or it’s purely personal as some big names in the field of Sound Healing.
The frequency of 432 Hz.
According to Pythagorean mathematics, the number 432 can be reduced to 9, while the number 528 can be reduced to 6. Despite their differences, the Solfeggio Frequencies demonstrate a harmonious relationship between 6 and 9, as well as 3.
One notable distinction is that 432 Hz is in tune with the natural frequency of the Earth.
The Schumann Resonance provides evidence for this fact, which has also been demonstrated through mathematical equations by Hans Cousto, a Swiss mathematician and musicologist.
The planet takes 365.25 days to complete one full orbit around the sun. By multiplying this by the number of hours, minutes, and seconds in a day, we can calculate the frequency in cycles per second as 3.168809 × 10-8.
The frequency corresponding to this number would be too low for the human ear to perceive audibly. According to the law of octaves, which asserts that a frequency’s octave can be utilized in a similar manner as the initial frequency when applied we arrive at a value of 136.09 Hz after 32 octaves.
Assuming C Note is at 136 Hz on a scale using equal temperament, A Note would then be at 432 Hz.
In brief, the frequency of 432 Hz is in harmony with the natural vibrations of our Earth, making it highly advantageous.
The frequency of 528 Hz.
The 528 Hz frequency is also in harmony with a celestial body, although not with our own planet.
By utilizing the identical approach as mentioned previously, it is evident that the frequency of 528 Hz aligns with the harmonics of Saturn.
The two planets share a significant connection, yet they possess distinct variations.
According to esoteric science, Earth is not regarded as a sacred planet, unlike Saturn which is considered as one.
To understand this, we can look at the mythology of ancient Greece and Rome, where the gods were linked to other planets such as Saturn.
According to Greek mythology, Saturn, also known as Cronus, was the deity associated with time, prosperity, and farming.
The contrast between non-sacred and sacred planets in the esoteric teaching has practical implications. The former “Earth” has a greater impact on the average individual, while the latter “Saturn” speaks to those who have a higher level of consciousness.
Considering this viewpoint, it is logical to understand why an individual such as Dr. Horowitz, who has had extensive experience in this field, would have a stronger conviction towards 528 Hz.
Personally, in a more broad and spiritual way of seeing life, with the promise that god is good and everything is perfect, I do understand why Dr. Horowtiz thinks that 432Hertz is “Evil” in comparison to the 528Hertz if we consider that the 432 Hertz is linked to planet Earth and the 528 Hertz link to Saturn and that when we are working on our Chakras (which are linked to the celestial planet also) we tend to begin cleaning from the Root Chakra which is deeply linked to planet Mars & Earth Energy and responsible for our grounding, way up to the Crown Chakra. from this simple analysis I can understand “I hope you too” Dr. Horowtiz perception, doesn’t mean that I’d seen it as evil also just that 432hertz is a powerful healing frequency and it’s positioning at the bottom of our Chakra resonance “in comparison to 528hertz” doesn’t mean its evil.
This idea is reasonable because most individuals have a significant affinity towards 432 Hz, but as their true spiritual journey progresses, they tend to be drawn to 528 Hz.
However, are these frequencies truly distinct?
The Similarities Between 432 Hz and 528 Hz
Interstellar Connections
As previously mentioned, 432 Hz and 528 Hz have a resonance with distinct celestial bodies, namely Earth and Saturn.
In the field of esoteric cosmology, there exists a correlation between the seven chakras and the seven rays. Out of these rays, the fifth and seventh do not pass through two planets of our solar system.
Which rays are associated with Earth and Saturn, then? They both share the third ray, demonstrating the strong bond between them.
According to beliefs, the third ray of energy has an impact on the Throat Chakra which is the fifth chakra in our body.
The Throat Chakra in question is associated with ingenuity, expression, karmic patterns, and the development of our cognitive abilities from average to advanced. Certain intellectuals explain its importance in relation to perception, insight, flexibility, and ideology.
The Throat chakra is associated with the body’s organs in the throat area, including the nose, ears, and mouth, at a physiological level. Additionally, it has a connection to the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Linked Mathematically
The mathematical connection between 432 Hz and 528 Hz has been discovered.
According to Dr. Horowitz, Victor Showell has demonstrated the significance of both numbers in sacred geometry.
However, he has also demonstrated a distinct correlation between the two numerical values. For instance:
- The difference between 528 and 432 is 96 = 528-432
- The sum of 528 and 432 is 960 = 528+432
Previously, we discussed the Pythagorean formula:
- 432= 4+3+2 =9
- 528= 5+2+8 =15 = 1+5=6
According to John Keely, a specialist in electromagnetic technologies, vibrations in intervals of “thirds, sixths, and ninths” possess immense power. Furthermore, Keely has stated that there is additional information on this topic.
But let’s not forget the great genius Nikola Tesla and his fabulous quote that resumes it all.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
Nikola Tesla
The result of dividing 432 by the quotient of 528 divided by 432 is equal to 360. This number already owns 2/3 of this powerful number and the surprise is when we reduce it to 360=3+6+0=9, we have a number that includes in it the most magnificent set of numbers 3,6, and 9.
In both mathematics and spiritual spheres, the number 360 is important.
Mathematically speaking, 360 is notable because it can be divided by many numbers including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,9,10,12,15 ,18,20,24,30 ,36 ,40 ,45 ,60,72 ,90 ,120,180, and also itself (360). This divisibility makes it useful for calculations involving angles and geometry as well as navigation which explains why it is often used to represent a full circle since there are 360 degrees in a circle.
As an idea of completeness that transcends cultures and traditions this notion that spirituality has of the number “360” parallels various worldviews based on the circle as a unifier symbolizing eternity or eternal life cycle. The circular shape implies no start and no end hence depicting the continuous recurrence of lives birth death etc.
This view is consistent with many teachings in diverse religions where individuals are expected to find themselves again through self-realization thereby reaching their ultimate goal in which they become whole completing the process being described here as “the circle”.
Where can we locate 360? It represents the measurement of a circle’s angles. It also signifies the length of one holy year in Hinduism.
During his study of the Bible, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand tallied the occurrences of the phrase “do not fear”. The total count was 360.
Let’s continue:
After dividing 432 by 528, the result is 0.81818181… and when 1 is added to this quotient, it becomes 1.81818181… Multiplying 528 by 1.81818181… gives the answer of 960. Similarly, when 432 is divided by 1.81818181…, the result is 237.6 and when multiplied by 10, it becomes 2376. Interestingly, 2376 can also be expressed as 4 times 756.
The reason for its importance lies in the fact that it serves as the foundation for the Khufu pyramid, measured in feet.
As we further explore, these figures resurface in the construction of holy structures:
The quotient of 528 divided by 432 is approximately 1.2(1+2=3). When 4320 is divided by 1.2, the result is 3600. Alternatively, when 4320 is multiplied by 1.2, the product is 5184(5+1+8+4=18, 1+8=9) or 72(7+2=9) squared.
Now, let’s shift our focus to Teotihuacan located in Mexico. The Toltec civilization residing there had their unique system of measurement known as the Standard Teotihuacan Unit. According to their beliefs, this unit was bestowed upon them by the divine beings.
According to historical records, the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of the Sun were measured to be 216 STU on each side, which is exactly half of 432. By calculating the total length of all sides, we get a sum of 864, which is equivalent to 432 multiplied by 2.
What about 532?
When we divide 532 by 6, which is the total number of original Solfeggio frequencies, the result is 88. Note that it takes Mercury 88 days to complete one full orbit around the Sun.
Looking back at Roman and Greek mythology, it is known that Mercury (also known as Hermes) was responsible for delivering messages from the gods and leading souls through the realm of the dead.
The frequencies of 432 Hz and 528 Hz can be observed in various instances of ancient geometry.
The Advantages of Having Both Frequencies
In this discussion, we have examined the variations and parallels between 432 Hz and 528 Hz, as well as the disagreements surrounding the topic.
Which one should you pay attention to?
In general, it is recommended to use the option that suits your needs best. From the majority of people’s perspectives, both options are effective and provide the same level of satisfaction.
If you have a preference for one over the other, feel free to use your preferred option. However, if you are equally fond of both options like we are, then it is perfectly fine to use both.
The division within the healing music community caused by politics should be disregarded. It appears that personal egos are hindering the collective goal of sharing the uplifting power of sacred frequencies with loved ones.
The truth is, that these frequencies have been scientifically proven to have a beneficial impact on one’s overall well-being. Essentially, they are merely distinct notes within the same heavenly melody.
Depending on your current stage in life and level of consciousness, one particular option may resonate with you more deeply. This is completely acceptable.
It is not wise to disregard the other option. It is possible that it may prove useful at a later point in your journey.
What are the advantages of 432 Hz and 528 Hz?
- 432 Hz has a calming effect, decreases blood pressure, and synchronizes brain hemispheres. It resonates with the Earth’s heartbeat and has historical significance.
- 528 Hz is known as the “love” frequency, enhances UV light absorption in DNA, and is believed to heal DNA. It has been used in various natural elements and the BP oil spill cleanup.
What are the distinctions between 432 Hz and 528 Hz?
- 432 Hz is in tune with the Earth’s natural frequency and has historical and mathematical significance.
- 528 Hz is in harmony with the harmonics of Saturn and is associated with love, peace, and freedom.
What is the mathematical connection between 432 Hz and 528 Hz?
- The difference between 528 and 432 is 96, and the sum of 528 and 432 is 960.
- The result of dividing 432 by the quotient of 528 divided by 432 is equal to 360.
What are the advantages of having both 432 Hz and 528 Hz?
- Both frequencies have been scientifically proven to have a beneficial impact on overall well-being.
- It is recommended to use the option that suits individual needs best, and it is acceptable to use both frequencies.