How Healing Frequencies Work?

Healing frequencies, also known as sound healing, are a form of therapy that uses specific sound patterns and vibrations to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These frequencies have been used for centuries in various cultures and traditions, and have been shown to have a profound impact on the body and mind.

The Science Behind Healing Frequencies

The Science Behind healing Frequencies

Research has shown that sound waves can affect the body in several ways:

 Vibrations: Sound waves can create vibrations that resonate with the body’s natural frequencies, promoting balance and harmony.

 Brainwave Entrainment: Sound frequencies can stimulate the brain’s natural rhythms, influencing brainwave activity and promoting relaxation, focus, or other states of consciousness.

 Cellular Resonance: Sound frequencies can interact with the body’s cells, influencing their natural vibrations and promoting healing and repair.

How Healing Frequencies Work

Healing frequencies work by triggering Genetic Changes: Sound frequencies can trigger genetic changes that promote healing and repair. Like the Solfeggio Frequencies by directly resonating with our chakras centers and ADN

 Manipulating Brainwave Activity ‘Binaural Beats‘: Sound frequencies can influence brainwave activity, promoting relaxation, focus, or other states of consciousness.

 Promoting Cellular Resonance: Sound frequencies can interact with the body’s cells, promoting healing and repair.

 Reducing Stress and Anxiety: Sound frequencies can reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and calming the nervous system.

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The 7 Healing Frequencies

Based on the provided search results, the 7 healing frequencies are:

I. 396 Hz Solfeggio Frequency: From grief to joy

Associated with the root chakra and the red color, this frequency is said to stimulate feelings of safety and security and help with anxiety and fear.

II. 417 Hz The Cleansing Frequency: Facilitating Change

 Associated with the sacral chakra and the orange color, this frequency is said to help with creative visualization, increase sexual energy and pleasure, and let go of old patterns.

III. 528 Hz The Miracle Tone: Transformation and Miracles

Associated with the Solar plexus and heart chakra, with a yellow color. This frequency is said to have a broad range of benefits, including lowering cortisol levels, calming brainwaves, and promoting relaxation and meditation.

IV. 639 Hz The Heart Chakra Frequency: Connecting/Relationships

Associated with the heart chakra and the green color, this frequency is said to help with healing old wounds, creating relationships based on love and understanding, and connecting with the higher self.

V. 741 Hz The Karmic Cleanser Frequency

Associated with the throat chakra and the blue color, this frequency is said to help with creative visualization, manifestation, and expressing one’s authentic voice.

VI. 852 Hz The Third Eye Frequency: Returning to Spiritual Order

Associated with the third eye chakra and the color indigo, this frequency is said to help with intuition, psychic abilities, and seeing things more clearly.

VII. 963 Hz The god Frequency: Higher Plane connection & Oneness

Associated with the crown chakra and the color violet, this frequency is said to help with connecting with the Divine, higher self, and promoting feelings of peace and bliss.

These frequencies can be utilized for healing, meditation, and personal improvement. It is thought that they have a significant effect on, and resonate with the human body and mind.

How to Use Healing Frequencies

What Are the 7 Healing Frequencies

Healing frequencies can be used in various ways, including:

 Listening to Sound Healing Recordings: Listen to sound healing recordings, such as binaural beats or sound baths, to experience the benefits of healing frequencies.

 Sound Healing Sessions: Work with a sound healer or practitioner to receive a personalized sound healing session.

 Using Sound Healing Instruments: Use sound healing instruments, such as tuning forks or singing bowls, to create your own healing frequencies.


Healing frequencies are a powerful tool for promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By understanding how they work and using them in a responsible and intentional way, you can experience the many benefits of sound healing for yourself.

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